Friday, March 2, 2012

Cucumber and Carrot salad

So the other day i was making my cucumber and carrot salad and i am gonna share it to you. This is a healthy dish but at the same time delicious. It could be a slaw  coz i added cabbage to it. But it's my recipe so it's a salad for me :D or pickle... :D

for my carrots and cucumber, i used this tool to come up with my noodle like shredded veggies.

all purpose tool
a cup of shredded carrots                              

a cup of shredded cucumber. 
now it is important that when you do the cucumber, 
turn it around as you go. 
and make sure you don't go as far as the seeds 
coz we only need the meat part.
this is a cup of thinly sliced cabbage.
same size as possible with the carrots and cucumber.
then i also added 1 medium sized red onion
and tomato, thinly sliced.
moving on...

in a cup, i put in 3 tablespoons of brown sugar and i dissolved it in a cup of white vinegar then added about half a teaspoon of nutmeg powder. 3 tablespoons of sugar may sound a lot but were looking at 3 cups of veggies here so it's fine. :) you can add a dash of salt to taste. no need to blanch your veggies coz the acidity of the vinegar will sort of cook the veggies a little bit. just enough. then put the mixture in a big mixing bowl and add the veggies. using your hands, make sure you wash first, coat the veggies with the vinegar mixture evenly. once everything is coated take the veggies out and store it. you can store it with the vinegar mixture or you can leave it out. that's it. it's like pickle/salad. it goes well with chicken so i usually put it in a tortilla wrap with fried or grilled chicken breast. great for breakfast, snack or even lunch. :)

i hope i shared a good thing here. something you could enjoy and make eating healthy delicious for you. :)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Juice anyone?

Talk about delicious... :) I have been doing stuff to lose some weight to look better and just to stop dealing with people telling me how fat i am. I've tried coffee, not eating and watching my calorie intake(which am still doing till now). I started drinking a bottle of Nestle's Fit 'n Right with GCE a day like a week ago and I should say this drink is quite effective. I probably lost at least an inch of waistline since last week, with regular exercise of course. I do 30 minutes of exercise a day. Not that much but just enough. I like it coz it delicious. :) I do try to talk about delicious but healthy food here. So i gez it is worth mentioning and sharing. It could work for you, too. Oh, i didn't like watermelon though. :D thought i'd mention that.

For lunch I'm thinking of experimenting with my cucumber-carrot salad and tortillas. If it is worth it, i am gonna share it here and maybe you can try it yourself. So.... see yah later.. :) 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Less is more.

Many people think that eating healthy means giving up delicious food. And most people believe that in losing weight, eating less is key. Well, that could be true, eating less. But the question is what are you eating less? Less carbo? Less fat? The thing is, if you eat lesser nutrients than what you need for a day, then your body is not properly nourished. What I am saying is yes you will have to eat lesser but probably more on other nutrients like potassium, iron, etc. It is all about balance and moderation. So you are not eating less but you are eating just enough and not more than what your body need. So you get more good nutrients and less on what we usually over-eat, like calories, carbohydrates, sodium and fat.

You've probably guessed by now that i am one person who is trying to lose weight and eat healthier. What I am doing right now is monitoring my nutrient intake. Writing down the food I ate in a food journal and using a phone app called MyFitnessPal to monitor my calorie intake. It is really cool coz I'd be eating at a restaurant or at a friend's house and still be able to monitor my calorie intake.There are probably tons of ways to do this but the bottom line is, are you willing? It is not the diet program or diet pills or coffees, or apps on the phone that does the job. It is your will to do it.

On my next postings, I will share recipes that I've tried and made myself and are healthy but delicious at the same time. Some of you may have heard of them or might not but I do hope I get people to benefit from it. See yah around! :)